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Wednesday, May 12, 2010Y

y is it every time when i have decided to give up, things will pop up again to leave me confused, leave my tots running wild, tinking that there is a possibility of me getting wad i wan? Noeing myself, i do become dis-illusioned easily...too easily...i realli tink too much but my actions just dun show what i realli wan...maybe i'm shy...maybe i'm afraid of getting hurt...thus unable to commit myself to work fer wad i want in life....

Well, guess even ben n jerry's cldn't do the trick to nake me feel better....:S

ends at 8:21 AM

Sunday, April 18, 2010Y
the prickly pain is slowly devouring my soul...

the prickly pain is slowly devouring my soul....

the pain of disappointment....when u tried to reach out but there was no response ir when the door closed on u...

the pain of guilt...when ur intention was to help someone but ended up hurting someone...

ends at 12:04 AM

Sunday, September 06, 2009Y

MaYdAy WiThDrAwAl.....
just wanna post their songs everywhere...

ends at 10:46 AM

Friday, September 04, 2009Y

Written by one of the students....

*Teachers' Day Poem*

***Geniuses they might be,
**Noblemen they can be,
**But they choose to be,
**Are better than what the geniuses and noblemen can be,

**Building bridges for young minds to reach maximum height where they can be,
**Acheiving abilities from the incapabilities they see could be,
**Knowing that where they should be,
**Bringing this world more geniuses and noblemen which they can create to be.
**Happy Teachers' Day!***


argh...me alwiz easily to touched by wad the students do...*sniff*

i have yet to open any of my presents....wanna preserve the feeling i have with each student before opening up every single one.....

ends at 10:16 PM

Thursday, July 09, 2009Y

school's started fer nearly 2 weeks now...happie dat the students are taking the new place quite well....phew....but the stairs are realli killing me by now....mi running all over the place just makes my knees worse...nid to drink more milk....

was hoping the new sch cld bring more happiness in everyone...well, apparently not so true...tings seem fine...but somehow when it comes to discussion between my fellow oics are just difficult....i'm like debating everytime....mabbe i'm too used to tings being done my wae....n now dat siti joins in the group after her nie training, she realli wans her voice heard....just makes me feel crumpled when i tok to her...sounds like all along mi n yh haven been doing a gd job n it sure aint a gd feeling despite all the hard work we have put in....so unfair fer her to make such statements...

these 2 daes really suay....yest got scratched, today got kok on the head, slapped on my arm, pinched on my arm...haiz..just have to blame myself fer being a busybody....heh....=P

glad dat i finally went to the movies aft a long long time...sat watched ice age 3 wif ct and mon watched transformers wif clara...mabbe it's time to get my movie kaki out...but knowing myself...alwiz so lazi....

tmr's gonna be a long day....going into 2 classes - one in morning, one in afternoon, then staying back till late for the parent support group on sexuality education....

ends at 8:34 AM

Wednesday, June 17, 2009Y
ferst day of the move!

thumbs up to the movers guys! great job! realli tuff for them to move 9 lorry-loads of stuff up the 4 storeys...*salute* despite the hot weather, the exhaustion, they still manage to stay jovial n crack jokes wif me...den while resting they all went into an air-con blast room and singing and sleeping arnd....so paiseh to go in n ask them do werk....once i stepped in they knew i had werk fer them....=P n all men somemore...only ah leong responded positively..."no problem! small matter..we ought to do it!" heh....den all the rest kept making fun of him....everytime i ask them to do werk they will say "mei wen ti!" (-.-)''' i was the main 'commander' for todae at guillemard....heh....sounds great hor...enjoyed werking wif them more than with my teachers...haiz....but it just means sai gang la...climb up down left right again....but i was v energetic even at the end of the day! must salute myself too! haa....but was again sticky at the end of the day....ended up having dnr at geylang again....guess i will be hanging arnd dat area often frm now on....nice food there lar..probably go eat durian there one day...

really want to advertise fer the movers....


before the move....my table n boxes....these are just the loose things i got my dad sent over for me....had 3 other big boxes of stuff...surprised that i could pack everyting in!

me amidst the chairs....

hidden amongst the boxes...

even the school logo was taken down....

Here are the efficient movers...

me trying to figure out which furniture goes where...

tada~! the neatest class so far....

more updates coming up...

ends at 7:27 AM

Tuesday, June 16, 2009Y
preparing for the move

tomorrow's the big day! our school will be moved to guillemard! aniticipating the growth of my school...so much we can do there aft we have our own premise....no nid to see the faces of the nurses and docs at samh....they alwiz complain our students...give us stares....cant wait fer us to leave...but we cant wait to leave too! altho the environment and facilities are not as good as wad we have now, at least it's ours~!

todae bz checking all the boxes, stock-taking....then pack my things...lots of other tings my dad gotta help me send over....heh...was carrying all the heavy boxes todae....so much so that i'm starting to ache...dunno if i will have energy left fer tomorrow...hmm....

took some pics before the move...will upload them soon!

ends at 9:08 AM