oh my....my last post was actualli in earlie sept....gosh...was so bz wif so mani tings...
watched F1 practice run....thanks to my dad's fren....thot it must be some standing seats...but no!! it was so classy dat mi n my sis felt out of place....it was on those stand where it's air conditioned....buffet from hard rock cafe...n served wine n liquor too....but it was freezing cold in there....not v exciting....n extremely deafening....the onli interesting was when we tried v hard to catch the cars using our camera phones...haa....dat was fun...cos out of 10 pics, probably only one is successful....haa....it realli wasnt v much interesting...i prefer watching the tv....cos at least i get to see all the cars in action...n the gears n power they used....rather than swinging my head frm left to right everytime a car passes....haa...

my best shot.....massa from ferrari if i'm not wrong...

had my braces for my upper teeth...now more used to it oreadi...but the friction can be unbearable at times...initially ate onli soft foods n my most hated food...porridge....yucks...but now i heck liao....eat most other stuff as long as it's not too hard n sticky....had to spend so much time on my teeth nowadaes....=S
gd news frm moe...but dat onli means we've got more werk to do before next year...poof...
children's day combined outing was tiring....i went for both sessions...morning was scorching hot...n den had to handle a tantrum there too...massive....left so mani scars n blood on my hands....n my colleagues' arms...head banged on my chest till next dae got chest pain....aft a long while b4 the mum arrived....hectic...den joined my own class for the outing n just as we were about to have fun, it rained heavily...well...it definitely was a different kind of experience!! getting wet is fun!
then had a 2 daes off for children's day n hari raya!! thanks boss! heh....no other sch gets 2 daes k....so i went shopping n the hairdresser's....as usual, collin wanted me to change my hairstyle...yesh...totally agree....n so she permed my hair.....but now it's more or less straightened liao.....waste money....
booked my holidays for dec....desperately need a break....even at an expensive cost....gg korea for 8 daes...n it's gonna be my ferst experience in a cold climate....*won bin~!! i'll c u there k!!!* heh....at least dat was settled....went to so mani agencies to check out the packages...guess tis one suits mi n my sis most....
the ferst ever saac camp just ended...was so looking forward to it...serious....spent lots of time making tings for my team....i'm the team leader btw....i guess tis role suits me best...heh....but unfortunately for the whole of last week i lost my voice! mon n tues was so bad....my asd piano student commented my voice was "not nice to hear".....*krang* i made name tags for them lar....spent my sleeping hours making props fer the performance lar....i must admit i did a gd job...using my creativity n churning out nice garlands, hat, hula skirts etc....i dun mind losing those hours of sleep! i love doing all this kinda bo liao stuff....i dunno y...haa...crazy rite? the last dae was realli tiring...aft losing so mani hours of sleep, n gg w/o breakfast, i had to cycle in tandem wif R (who was my ex-student)....mum specifically requested me to do the job...cos i did dat last yr....so wierd....the boy is like so much more taller than me liao lor...so we went cycling for more den 1/2 hr.....cos the bike was realli slow....n finally when we went back to the group, one of my class boys went missing....he was cycling alone...so i dropped R n picked up a single bike n dashed to look for him....dad was there lor....black-faced man....so scared....luckily the helper found him....poof....so difficult to look aft everyone....luckily most of the students in my group had parents or helpers accompanying them...else i where got time to go cycle wif R who isn't even in my group.....super tired aft dat...just lazed around over the weekend...

the hat dat was made from a pandan cake cover n brown paper...
the flower garlands which i took so long to complete...had to make at least 5 lor...
the end-products looked something like this...sis made me take tis pic...the brolly and guitars r missing tho...yesterday went to watch president's star charity live at mediacorp.....cos 2 families were there...so better to haf some teachers there...so i went....both my ex students....B couldnt sit long enuff to watch the show so mum drove him back.....K was gd...we even went for the reception to see the celebs....tay peng hui is charming man...hady is cute....but the cutest guy was the guest relations officer who looks so familiar...mabbe frm arts.....johnny...hmm....the funniest part was the writings by his excellency was actualli pre-recorded....so he just stood at the ending pose holding his writings at the camera....haa....but it realli was gd effort put in!
despite being tired, i'm so excited to see B back in sch aft so mani mths....miss him lots! hope his mum is alrite now....he passed me my belated teacher's day present....*touched* my best present this yr....so swit....he's such a joy to have in the class....n he again grew taller!
whoops....supposed to do my lesson n outing plans n i did none......=X