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Saturday, August 30, 2008Y

last nite my gums started bleeding again....the pain gave me a throbbing headache on the left side...i asked my parents to check my temp cos i felt hot on the head...mum touched my forehead n said it was cold....then dad put his hand on my left throat area to feel my temp...as he alwiz did....ouch! i stopped him rite awae....n he kena screamed at by mum...haa.....so farnie....he alwis so blur blur....last time when i was young n we will be sparring awae....when i screamed in pain, he tot i was acting....untill he twisted my finger or wad den he stopped....haa....

couldnt realli sleep...still choking on my phlegm...n blood....woke up after a few hrs of sleep.....n at 2+am, i finally slept thru all the wae to 10am....

face was a little more swollen....realli deformed...haa.....my bro asked me if i stuffed gauze..nah...it was due to the swelling...haa....my lips could open a little wider...to talk...but cannot luff out loud....lower jaw still very numb....when i touched my jaw, it was like sth spongy that din belong to my face....i hate dat sensation....but my throat was more painful todae too.....had difficulty swallowing and drinking milk, green bean soup, porridge...my stomach was painful too....i guess becos of the coughing throughout the nite.....my lips were super dry....hardened....i guess they pry open my mouth quite a bit cos my left side was bleeding....even when i sneeze there's blood...i hate blood!

getting worried that i may get permanent damage on my nerve....that will mean my jaw may be numb forever....my left wisdom tooth was resting on my nerve....so the orthodontist did mention to me that i have a higher risk than others to suffer from permanent damage....haiz.....hope the numbness will go by tmr...else, dat will spell bad....will be removing my stitches on thurs....n my mc is till thurs....

at home, i've realli become a princess...heh.....everyting my bro has to serve me...cos my mum instructed him to....heh....getting all the attention like i'm a little kid.....i din wan to worry my family...i am ok....except fer the numbness....grandma came down to visit me despite her aching body....touched...she bot me cold soy bean milk....she was glad to see that my swelling wasnt realli so bad....she told me when she extracted her teeth the other time, her whole head was swelling......i hope i wun....but i'll onli noe till tmr....everydae drink, watch tv and sleep....good life...but it's onli dae 2 i'm starting to feel bored....but dat means i can blog more...heh....

ends at 3:53 AM

Friday, August 29, 2008Y

half an hr more to my surgery....on the bus wif mum....i'm still calm and all...din want my mum to get more worried than she oreadi is....shall not tink about the fact that a quarter of my teeth will be lost but more afraid of the GA and how much pain it'll be after the op...many shrieked at the idea of my op and many showed that they cared...so touched....i'll be fine cos of all the blessings...the onli ting i can look forward to now will be to drink a cup of warm soy bean milk after the op...my immediate reward.....


i reported at the counter...was on the dot....9.30am.....mum had to wait outside....told her to go shopping....changed into the kimono....n waited with another guy who is gg in before me....both of us gg thru anaesthesia...so nid to prick a needle on our left hand....waited n waited (with the needle) fer more than an hour before i was called to the surgery....by then i was alreadi feeling very cold....then the nurse told me it's gg to be colder inside....they took off the robe and i was left wif the kimono...*brr...* the lights were very strong and i see around 4-5 pple around me....the anaesthetist intro himself...an indian whom i can reali catch wad he is saying...he seems to be under coaching of another old man....who seems quite grumpy....they told me to take deep breaths....i did.....7-8 breaths n i'm still awake....n finally when i smelt a different smell, i fell into deep sound sleep.....never so sound before....i haf alwiz been dreaming about werk....but not this time round.....

"open your eyes! open your eyes!" i heard the old man calling me...i tried..but my eye lids were heavy....blurred vision....cant seem to see clearly....could feel my left cheek totally swell up...so much so that my left eye couldnt open completely....left jaw was painful....right jaw not so much...kept hearing beeping of my heart beat from the maching...and frequent squeezing of my left arm cos taking my blood pressure.....most painful of all were my legs.....tried hard not to shiver....but i just kept shaking uncontrollably on the bed....soon, they brought a warmer to stop my shivering....wow...dat realli helped....i rested fer a while before the surgeon dr woo loo cheng came to my bed...."u ok? let me see if the bleeding has stopped....just now there was a lot of bleeding so i onli took out you 4 wisdom teeth....if it's better later, we'll continue again...." i was like huh??!! u mean i haf to go thru all dat again??!! gosh....nearly cried n wanted to abandon the idea of putting on braces since the other 4 premolars were for the braces.....gosh....they called mum to ask her to come back 2-3 hrs later....soon, the surgeon came again to check and bleeding was much better...but i was still bleeding la.....so she asked if we could continue....aiya...might as well one shot lar....okie lo...so in i went again...i must admit i'm realli strong....haa...my co teacher reminded me that yest too...


round two....the lights were realli glaring...had to close my eyes...the indian anaesthetist was shivering himself....he kept hugging himself....imagine me on the cold surgery bed....alone wif all these pple whom i'm seeing for the ferst time....brr....but tis time round they put the warmer at my feet...so not so bad...

when i woke up once again....i was so glad i'm still alive....haa.....could feel my left cheek not as swollen....but it was painful still....so much wanted to cry....close my eyes n wanted to rest oso cannot rest peacefully....had difficulty breathing....the tube they inserted into my throat gave me such a hard time swallowing my saliva and blood....n worse was since this morning i had phlegm....kept choking on it....n it was realli difficult to spit it out....my lower jaw was totally numb....cannot feel it at all....the nurse fed me some water n i cannot even feel if my lips were closed.....kept spatting blood out....suddenly i felt a stinging pain on my left jaw....excruciating pain....had to call the nurse....they kept changing the gauze fer me but it onli helped a bit...so she gave me a pain reliever....that made it much better....poof.....the bag of teeth were right in front of me....dare not even look at them....gross....i used my tongue to check if all 4 premolars were out...in case they tell me i haf to go in again! haa.....okie...rite...4 holes....finally at 4+pm near to 5pm i was discharged....couldnt drink the apple juice the nurse gave me....the pharmacist came to explain to me all the drugs i had to take....then the nurse came to explain how to take care of my teeth for tis period....everyting i eat had to be cold...i can eat ice cream, yoghurt, milk, iced water....cool~! ferst time i'm advised to eat cold tings when i'm unwell....i shld take nothing hot or even warm....so there goes my 'reward' of drinking warm soy bean.....haiz...but nvm....i hadnt eaten anithing the whole dae since last nite...was a little hungry....but the pain just puts me off....plus drinking of my blood realli disgusts me alot....

when i changed and came out, mum was sitting there....feeling a little groggy....and weak since i haven eaten for the whole dae....but generally ok lar...took a cab home....couldnt open my mouth....ouch.....


ends at 10:14 PM

Thursday, August 28, 2008Y

tis yr i will haf to miss teachers' day celebration wif my kids....cos fri i'm gg fer surgery....starting to feel the tense....n becos i couldnt make it on fri, my colleagues changed the teachers' dnr to thurs....so die die oso haf to change my piano lesson....we went to siglap area to a restaurant named Oliv....good food...reasonable price....boss came so late we were all so hungry....we made so much noise in the small restaurant that everyone else in there could hear us n luff wif us....haa...it's been a nice gathering....rarely see so mani of my colleagues together n luffing awae....n of cos i added to the atm lar....the rule was no discussion of werk....haa...i spoilt market again...took out the claims which i hadnt signed....then when my colleague asked me when she can take her in lieu, i took out my draft n checked again...n when boss saw that, he said "who made serene work so hard ar??" then there was silence...haa...so paiseh....we luffed so much, enjoyed the good food, tok so much...boss was realli an extraordinary one....he went round to serve pple drinks....which boss will ever do dat? n he said whoever guessed the bill correctly will get a free lunch from him....i guessed 300....but it amounted to 299.95....haa....

tis week has been so long....bz preparing the stuff my kids will do for the teachers...in the end i came up wif the idea of the notepad.....was a gd idea but probably need more time to make it better....nid to perform somemore....we decided on a song which they liked best...accidentally in love from shrek....n they will dance n play instruments....couldnt tink of aniting else more appropriate......i was bz the nite before making apple coasters fer all my colleagues....haf been sleeping a 2+am these few dayes...but nvm...cos on fri, i'll get a good slp.....n then i realised i haf short of one....so i decided not to give the irritating colleague....heh....i intended to give her too lar...but too bad....not enuff so sacrifice her...haa....

ends at 4:10 AM

Wednesday, August 27, 2008Y

ends at 8:41 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2008Y

at Hort Park...lovely flowers....

at Alexandra Arch

so steep~!!! luckily we all arent afriad of heights...

nice breeze n scenery~

jh n sc

yest was such an outdoorsy day wif wach mach wach gang....walked from hort park all the wae to vivocity...poof.....under the hot noon sun~!!! we were all so tan after dat....will put up more pics when jh sends to us...or refer to our official website...heh....it was realli a nice long walk....the scenery at henderson waves was good n cooling....n the design was v artistic despite dat it din had much functional use.....like shelter, or seats....

had dimsum lunch at bosses @ vivo....which was good....yummy...shall bring my family there next time...

n den most of them had to leave....leaving mi n cong n jh....so we decided to go sentosa to cycle....actualli the guys suggested dat...so dat dey could look at babes...esp so when jy had to go watch firewerks wif her frens....so jh the ltk wang spirit came out....woo~ super damn crowded....needs so much skills to cycle on the cycling track lor....cos packed wif pple....n noeing my controlling skills, i basically kept turning to the side if people....haha....all the ah nehs scared of me man....saw peipei there....who onli recognised me n not jh her class monitor of two yrs! haa....*gloating*.....mi cao cao oso same class wif her from p1 to p4 lor.....=P jh heartbroken...while cycling 1/2 wae, i told the 2 guys it was gg to rain soon....n true enuff it did! not i suay zui like wad dey kept insisting...i knew how to tell weather lor~ dun pray pray hor! the drizzle din stop us from sitting on the rocks of the island n chatting awae....haa....htht.....

den went tiong bahru market to eat....where we went fer dnr exactly a yr ago b4 we drove to see firewerks....the ah balling uncle again gave me discount as per last yr....haa...i dunno him k....rem last yr he gave me discount of 50 cents thinking dat it was the last bowl....den tis year...he charged me 1.50 per bowl when the board saes 2 bucks....heh....must b uncle see me pretty gimme discount....heh....so full i guess i replenished all the energy i used up fer the dae....

v long never haf a whole dae free like dat liao...n can do all the outdoor activities wif frens....heh....=]

ends at 9:46 AM

National Day celebration can be described as one word = Messy....
all thanks to the bad start by my co-teacher(who else?) haiz....supposed to reach at 8.30am with all the cakes and ingredients for decorating...but 8.30am and he was just about to go collect the cake wif another colleague.....see? that's wad i meant when he has no sense of urgency and priority....the sky is gonna fall over and he is still day-dreaming....everytime meeting i haf to provide him a pen n paper to write tings down....haiz.....puke blood everydae....now the events committee has gotten a taste of him liao....haiz....at least someone in the same boat as me...just dat i'll face it everydae~!!! argh!! but nvm....fer 2 weeks he's posted to DAC....so i wun get to see him....we nid a cool off period....btw, it wasnt a wae of getting back or pushing him arnd....but dat he's the best person to be there....can slack mah....=P (i promised not to speak ill of him liao....to my other colleagues....but will still blog here....nid somewhere to vent out the anger...)

i was like all over the place....being the judge for the cake decorating competition, the person to read the national day message, assisting coordinator, toking to parents, stalked by students....phew.....

aniwae, it ended with zero tantrums and meltdowns....which was a feat~!!! arnd 40 students plus some parents/caregivers....with all the last min plannings we alwiz have, our students are all so well-trained to changes liao....no prob! heh....realli appreciate them fer dat....

den we went fer lunch after a 1.5 hr meeting....had mediteranean food at arab st....nice food....n v reasonable prices....we chatted quite alot....since we dun get to meet up colleagues from DAC often...realised the new colleague quite farnie....haa...seems like he is enjoying himself except that he complained about the tiredness onli after 2 weeks....aiyo....must hang on lar....

went shopping wif sis but din manage to buy aniting again!!! argh~!!! irritating.....

ends at 9:32 AM

Jokes from the students never failed to make our dae n kip us alive...

18-yr-old J was at the supermarket with the class. So after getting what they needed, they went to queue up. J is quite a high-functioning guy.

Cashier scanned all the goods and "ka-ching" the drawer popped out.
J (index n middle finger pointing out wif thumb sticking up and placed it at the cashier's head): Gimme all your money now...

Teacher B (stunnde fer a moment and trying to control her luffter): J, for goodness sake, please put ur hand down! you cld be sued by the police~!

He is one guy who is quite mischievious too....alwiz take my pink pouch n put arnd his waist...haa...den purposely bump my backside...purposely mop my feet....bleah....=P

During national day celebration, we had a photo montage. 7-yr-old J was happily pointing out who the person in the picture was....he knew most of the names of all the students...even those in AM classes....best....

7-yr-old J: Ms Serene~! ES~! D~! CS~! (n the list goes on....)

n when it came to the adult students whom he has never seen before....

J: Painting~! Sewing~! Swimming~!

haa....cute to bits....

ends at 9:19 AM

Saturday, August 02, 2008Y

ends at 2:27 AM

Friday, August 01, 2008Y

sequel to the email war...

indeed the following lengthy email came back with a paragraph of bold prints....haa...not caps tho....demanding dat i apologise fer accusing her....lest she take legal action....wad crap....i wasnt afraid of dat part cos in this whole issue, i was not in ani wrong....except dat i probably got the place wrong...n dat was wad the apology was meant for....crazy....initially i was tinking apologising fer dat is no big deal....cos even when i block someone's wae i oso sae sorrie...but i'll stand by the fact dat i'm NOT to be blamed wif this whole issue....i was just doing wad i had to do.....

boss spoke to me yest aft her last email n ask how m i gg to reply to it....he said to show him ferst if i were to reply via email....so at least he can help me look thru n there will be no loopholes fer her to catch me wif....or tok to her orally, he said....verbally u meant....haa....or tok to her in the presence of him.....i thot thru long n hard last nite....

todae i approached her to meet up in a separate rm....amazingly, all was calm n peaceful n ended on an awkwardly tranquil mood....hmm....scheming...dunno wad's up next....she brot up all her medical history, her dotter's medical history, her family problems, etc.....trying to buy my sympathy eh? well, her story will not stay in my head fer long....cos all these are just excuses which she has been using over n over again....poor health then still create so much trouble such dat everyone arnd her has ill health....duhz....i expected her shouting n railing at me in front of others...dat's y i chose to meet her in an empty room....none of dat took place....guess boss n my ex supervisor were both surprised at her attitude towards the meeting.....cos frm the email, her tonality was poles apart! realli suspect she has bipolar mood disorder....or split personality.....but i tink boss was more at ease lar....at least no existing wars b4 he leaves for 3 weeks overseas....haiz.....n seems like no follow-up will be done...."will issue warning letter...but stuck at HR....if there's a 2nd time, then she's gone".....kauz....how mani 2nd chances will she get.....how long more do all of us haf to tolerate her....haiz.....

till then....

but well, at least i survived todae....poof....

ends at 9:58 AM