todae's the last dae fer the nus attachee....bought a cake fer him....the cake he like a lot...ever since he ate it during my student's's realli nice....we all made him a tee shirt wif all the symbols schedule the students use frm day to day...dey made me wrap it fer him....n i put in much effort man....but i was satisfied wif the end product....

see?? klass rite....aniwae my lilies finally blossomed...but now nid to make dry flowers wif it liao....hmm...shall go find out how to do it....haa...n a card which the student made....haiz...another helper will be even more shorthanded....tho he said he'll still be back to volunteer but it'll be on a more ad-hoc basis ba.....he oso quite cham cos my boss is his lecturer n he is rarely wun noe all the shitty stuff he did fer all the classes....haa.....bring students to toilet esp....he's been a great help in my previous klass...esp on the daes when my co teacher took one week's leave n we had to run the klass tog....poof....he took on none of the social werk stuff but all of the jobs of a ku ni le!
watched harry potter wif ct just now....not very interesting i feel...mabbe onli the last part whereby there were a lot of computer effects....not much plot....n plus i din watch the last episode i was kinda lost....catch no ball...haa....aniwae, i just nid a break....