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Saturday, June 30, 2007Y

woohoo....the JUMP comic martial arts performance realli rox...it's soooo farnie!! cant stop luffing man....haa....n dey r reali good in martial arts.....gd tea reception too.....too bad the most shuai cast was replaced becos of injuries....haiz....but the substitute was realli gd too.....


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Sunday, June 24, 2007Y

yest was my sis's convo at nus ucc...haven been back to nus fer ages....was there at ucc reminiscing the dae i had my convo....n my....dat was 2 yrs back....so fast....back den i took quite a lot of pics wif my family....even went to esplanade area to take more fotos....sometimes cant help but feel my parents realli abit bias....dey had some dnr on after my sis's convo n dey were rushing to take fotos n anihow take some n sae it's enuff....if it were me....i'll have been so upset....so i cld see the disappointment in my sis's eyes....so tried to make her feel better...by gg to take more photos at vivo....n go shopping....so i guessed she cheered up...n i got my bro n myself a free dnr...heh!

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Friday, June 22, 2007Y

hurray!! finally finish dat dreadful course...tho the lecturer is coming to visit us again on tues....haiz....but at least i survived thru the 3 daes intensive course!! tis has been a realli long week.....gosh.....tues came the bombastic news....wed was so stressed at the course cos everyone was at HOD, curriculum development unit, vice principal or principal role.....n me? just a young (in fact the youngest), not-too-experienced, lowly teacher....tried hard to camou myself against the wall during discussion....but i guess i did succeed at the end of 3 daes....cos whenever they wan to hear frm my sch, my prog head will speak up....dey probably thot there is onli one rep frm my sch.....n whenever he speaks, there is alwiz a wow-ing impact....cos he tinks very differently in a gd wae....luckily the next two daes we sat together n discussed as a sch team rather den combined schs.....phew....dat's how i manage to scrape thru....dunno how i survived the 5 daes course the other time when most of it was in combined sch groups.....poof.....so glad it's over! but sad to sae there will be some more follow-up sessions....alwiz kena those courses dat was to follow-up.....argh....but i must sae tis course makes me open up more to my prog head...n get to hear some v different views about special ed....n his views r quite inspiring....hmm....

den had to literally drag myself to the civil service club opp westmall fer tis bowling tournament my dad signed up fer me when i din wan to go....told him i kinda sprained my wrist n sometimes can be quite painful....he just wans me to go support n join in the youth group man....duhz!!! thot onli 1 round or 2.....there're were four!!! was totally drained aft the course still must go fer tis.....but not too bad....i guess my scores was around 200+ 300+.....not gd enuff to be the top 10 of cos....den these youth group pple tried to coax me into joining more activities n all....i'm too bz....it's a gd wae of socializing....but i've had enuff of socializing tis week!! at the course i had to intro myself, tok abit to other course pple....sometimes even had to stand at a corner alone or just walk awae when my prog head is chatting up wif his frens.....super left out....not dat i wan to be pulled into their conversations which will onli add stress to me.....

argh....so tired oreadi....tmr still got to practise piano b4 i go piano lesson den haf to rush down to nus ucc fer my sis's convo.....haiz...haven decide wad to wear man.....bot her a small bear....intend to iron sth onto it tho....but doubt i haf the time...hmm.....

bz bz bz

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007Y

sometimes i dun get how tings werk at my place.....undergoing more changes again....i'm gonna take on 2 sessions again n tis time round younger kids....arnd 7 or 8 of age.....fer 5 weeks b4 i go nie....argh....hate it....it's difficult to build rapport wif the kids n now i haf to leave dem.....everytime when tings get more comfortable n i've adapted to the klass liao i'm given another new task.....n younger groups are just so not ez lo....i'll get backaches again....plus all the resources i've made....haiz...will be passed on to another teacher....all my hard werk!!! plus i'm praying hard dat no more new students will come in to my new klass....cos dey r asperger....so i'll haf a wide range of ASD in the same klass....dat means i nid to prepare more materials!! parents of the younger group r definitely no joke...dey r very pressurizing....cos dey still haf high expectations of their child....haiz.....i dunno how it's gonna be like when sch reopens....must be like chaotic man....sigh....."the centre of changes"...how aptly my prog head put it....one ting i noe fer sure....they're trying to squeeze me dry.....*sobz* still in a state of shock cos of the drastic change...tink mine is the most drastic case.....*sobz*

i promise i shall not put in too much effort n love in tis klass i'm taking on....cos it onli makes it more difficult to leave n let go den....i shall learn frm my mistakes....

ends at 7:32 AM

Sunday, June 17, 2007Y

shucks....one week has passed n i din do ani prep werk at all!! felt so bad when my co-teacher called me just now....she was on holidae fer a week....omg....she did quite alot of prep werk liao n i din....tho we cld share the resources....feel guilty.....better get some werk done todae....gosh....just felt so lost back in office....low level of energy man....

went fer my ferst facial session yest....poof....felt so out of place...haa...as in felt a bit malu n dunno wad to do there....instructions werent clear too...haa...wanted to luff at myself....haa...plus i kip misunderstanding wad the person asked or answer her wrongly...chicken n duck tok....haa...felt so dumb....the shoulder massage was meant to help my body relax but i woke up todae feeling pain on my shoulders.....n i couldnt help but giggled cos it was so ticklish n i wasnt realli used to pple touching me....haa...supposed to relax n enjoy myself....but felt more stressed den b4...haa....m i born to be a slave?? cant even try to lead a tai-tai life.....pathetic....

ends at 6:22 AM

Wednesday, June 13, 2007Y

the boring 2 des in-hse course finally over...poof....the nie lecturer just got sth against me or sth.....she's too sensitive n defensive....luff onli she kip probing wad i'm luffing about....duhz....u tok to the person arnd u she oso ask wad u sae....i touch my jacket she sae i cold.....ultimate! when asked questions, she defenced herself immediately as if trying to protect her stand...."thanks fer sharing" means she wans u to shut up....argh....if i go nie i'll probably see her again....sobz.....

haiz....been feeling down n quite unlucki this week....

my colleague leaving again.....my useless boss din even try to persuade her to stay when he told me he will....she's probably one of the best partners i had....in terms of having fun tog la....we started out tog....took the klass tog....fought wif zr tog....handled all humiliations tog....we'll push each other along whenever we faced problems....even when we r now in diff klass....we'll still tok n consult n advise each other on how to deal wif the probs we haf.....now dat she's gg soon...my pillar of strength is gone.....all my kloser colleagues r gone....the newer ones r fine but just dat the rapport is just different....n not there yet....sobz....all i can do is to prepare myself not to tear on her last dae....

ferst dae back at werk A gave me trouble oreadi....insisted on gg out n refused to do exercise....struggled wif the attachment guy frm 10th floor in my hospital to 2nd floor of changi hospital....gosh....even had to ask my other colleagues fer help....embarrassing man....dunno wad will happen tmr when i relief my old klass....hmm....

yest tis jj pang seh again....fer the upteen times!!! when m i gonna learn my lesson?? she initiated to meet up....i asked everyone arnd....in the end....a few hrs b4 the meeting time she sae she cannot make it again....end up i met ct fer westmall fer dnr....not onli issit mood-dampening, but a break of promise, a break of trust, n mere respect as a fren....if u cant make it, sae so....dun come up wif stunts at the eleventh hr....

things just aint gg rite....out of sight realli = out of mind....sigh....how do i move on further?? i haf no idea....n time is running short....how do i make the best out of the remaining daes? help.....

ends at 8:42 AM

Sunday, June 10, 2007Y

The Werkaholic Checklist

u noe u're a werkaholic when....
  1. you dream of werk n pple at werk even when u're on leave
  2. your topics of conversation alwiz revolve arnd werk
  3. u're alwiz checking office email fer new mails even when u're on leave
  4. u're alwiz opening ur thumbdrive to look thru ur files even when u're on leave
  5. u cant sleep well cos of werk anxiety - be it positive or negative
  6. u start decorating ur wallpaper on ur comp wif werk related pictures
  7. ur werk takes up 70% or more of ur life
  8. u'll fall aslp while watching tv n movies
  9. white hair starts growing on ur head
  10. u feel like u aged another 5 yrs
  11. even after a week of break, on the 2nd dae when u return to werk u feel as tho u've worked another few mths
  12. during ur leave daes u feel v bored staying at home
  13. u dun mind the low pay n long hours (dat realli makes urself feel so cheap!)

if u happen to check most of the above, do not fret...cos u're not alone....

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it's been a long week of break....but dun realli feel well recharged n rejuvenated....but it's alwiz nice to take a break tho i tink my life just cannot leave werk....heh...cos the onli form of exercise i did the whole of tis week is shopping...n mabbe eye exercise--watch tv n movies....still sad wif the fact dat i cant watch shrek 3 wif the students....n it mite even be free cos will be on the dreadful course wif my prog head....just two of us....haiz...the last time at least got wendy arnd to accompany me....sigh....it's time to run the marathon again....guess by the time sch reopens i'll be all tired n lethargic again....n if i realli still m gg fer the nie course, i will probably have no more rest till dec....poof.....aniwae, no news frm nie side still....been trying to prepare myself mentally for both scenarios - of me leaving the klass, n of me not gg fer the course....either wae it just makes me uncertain of wad is gg to happen in the next few mths....argh....the sense of insecurity is back.....

ends at 7:17 AM

Tuesday, June 05, 2007Y

went fer the charity gala premier for men in white....very crap show....low cost no plot show....it's the kind of luff-n-ferget-bout-it show....lotsa dialects...worse is when it got chopped off twice....in the end everyone had a complimentary tic...so it was a free tic fer a free tic...heh....was seated in the front rows....wif the campus superstars 2 kids.....damn noisy n irritating n no sense of propriety bunch....wif bengs n lians n buayas...haiz....wad kinda "superstar" quality r they exuding??

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Sunday, June 03, 2007Y

okie...dat's the tic stud on the left....on the rite...it's the door gift...haa...din dare to take till i asked wad it was...looked so much like condom lo...haa...it's just mint sweets...relax....n i'm not alone....my fren tot so too...to tink dat both of us in social service line...hahaha....madness...

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MayDay JUMP! concert

woo~!!! JUMP! JUMP! JUMP! so high the whole of todae after yest's mayday concert!!! went wif my jc netball kakis...heh....kinda wierd la never meet up fer long den suddenly go chiong concert tog....n it's the ferst time at a concert fer all 3 of us!! so exciting.....got the 128 tics cos onli dat section was left....supposed to sit in row 10 end up we all stood on the chairs at like row 3 or 4....very near n upfront!! missed the changed to shake ah xing's hands...haiz...cannot make it la...i see shuai ge i alwiz become shy....stand fer hrs never sit at all....haa...but mayday even better, kip singing onli wif short pauses....din tok too much too....haa....super hyper...heh....the concert was nice la....but the audience mabbe not as high as dey expected.....but i must say i like dem even more now! my fave is monster 怪兽.....kool n charming....alwiz thot ah xing not shuai but he quite gd looking too....heh....used to hate masa...but he can play piano n sing....quite touching....hmm....on top of dat...their songs all has tis attitude which i look upon ~怎么去拥有 一道彩虹 怎么去拥抱 一夏天的风 天上的星星 笑地上的人 总是不能懂 不能觉得足够~ and ~心情好 心情坏 怎么开始 怎么办 你有的不爽 让我来分担 Everything Gonna Be Alright Tomorrow Will Be Fine太阳依然灿烂 地球继续转~ it definitely cheers u up n egg u on when the going gets tuff.....n i can relate to them....~我好想好想飞 逃离这个疯狂世界 那么多苦 那么多累 那么多 莫名的泪水~ motivavtional too....~我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放 下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望 ~ and touching...~像孩子依赖着肩膀 像眼泪依赖着脸庞 你就像天使一样 给我依赖 给我力量像诗人依赖着月亮 像海豚依赖海洋你是天使 你是天使 你是我最初和最后的天堂~ plus some lyrics r quite farnie....to tink dat dey can come up wif a song on rubbish truck relating to love...haa...it was rather interactive la....ha...L-O-V-E L-O-V-E L-O-V-E....dey quite playful n gao xiao too...very friendly n got qin he li....which i like!!

most touching song....*sobz*


so upset dat i brot my bro's lao pok camera there....wished i bot my own camera man....all the pics blur n all see oreadi oso sian...except fer one on ah xing....haiz so sad....din get ani of guai shou upfront....sobz....

btw if u tink i'm crazy over dem....i'm not to dat extent yet...just feel high...haa...but there were lots out there who can sing all their songs frm memory....even their hokkien songs...best....kudos....

going back frm max pavilion is xiong man....herds n herds of pple...there was an endless queue at the taxi stand....in the end we took train till tanah merah den call cab....faintz...also haf to wait....taxi uncle ask y so mani pple at expo...haa....how could he not noe?!! mayday rock the whole expo n yet he din noe!!!

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