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Monday, August 29, 2005Y

cant believe i saw jy todae in person at carls junior...he looks exactly as on the tv set...excited man...haiz...too bad i see guys i admire i get shy....omg...haa...shld haf at least smiled at him....well....wadeva...

finally my last 2 daes at tuas....cannot stand it lor...onli 3-4 wks nia i got myself into some politicking...sianz....cannot understand y pple can tok abt me so loudly in the office regardless of the fact dat i was sitting rite dere....argh...dat woman wif some stoopid rumor....poof.....but perhaps if i were her age liao n still single...i'll probably behave dat wae....n most prob i will b joining her 'club' pretty soon....*sobz*...can visualise dat same scenario....nvm...i shall put up wif it fer 2 more daes....grrr....hopefulli she will kip her mouth shut....alwiz 'flirting' wif my purchasing officer outright...yucks....tok so loudly as if we r all deaf....goosebumps....

ends at 12:22 AM

Saturday, August 20, 2005Y

got the following extract from one of jy's fans...she pointed out some points dat i must agree...can oso see the true side of jy...his personality is so attractive...makes me gonna miss him more...

"Junyang, hope you're feeling better now. read e report on u and i guess u sounded fine. i tink you're reali such a humble and nice person. u noe Wayne(lin Jun Jie) for so long and are good friends yet u keep it under wrap for so long. thou i long ago suspected u two noe each other but u never say it out openly infront of e media. u never use e fact that u noe lin jun jie to promote and advertise for yourself. until ytd when you're out den u thanked him sincerely. i'm reali touched by e friendhip shared between u two. on e other hand, i was so disgusted by wl behaviour. when he was announced e winner, he smiled and laff as thou he's e champion. this is e 1st time i saw any contestant smiling so happily when their friend(thot dey always emphasize on you qing di yi, so i guess wl treat jy as his fwen?)is eliminated. when xinhui is out, kelly cried until so sad. no matter last time whoeva out, those contestants that remain never laff and smile as happily as wl lor. either he's down-right arrogant or he got negative EQ. and all e 24 superstars were like dying to chiong up e stage to hug weilian, only willian turned behind to look at junyang lor. duno why all e ppl so hypocritical. sian.at least Junyang got Jun Jie. junyang hope u can follow your heart and continue doing music. you can play piano, guitar, compose music and write lyris. and most certainly can fang dian, can walk ard freely on stage and SING!!! i believe u can go far. pls don go act or host in channel u or 8. singapore market too small. must continue continue continue and continue to work towards singing and hopefully one day we'll get to buy your cd, go your autograph session, see you open up your own concerts and see u receive awards in taiwan jing qu jiang.YOU're e BEST!!! no one can replace you. =) " ~Pei Shan

ends at 3:12 PM


he almost made it. just one final step. but he missed n fell.

couldn't help feeling so terrible inside me. tho it was just a show it created an impact in me. the whole of yest i had no mood to werk. simply having post-trauma syndromes. damn moody. y was he ousted out when he shone like a star? he's got the voice, the character, the looks, the style, the x-factor....too bad he lost to the votes despite being liked by the judges.

nothing is definite. nothing is fer sure. always be prepared fer the worst scenerios. dat's the self-defense mechanism i've been using all along. it made me pessimistic. hope junyang will brace himself up. haiz..his bdae wish din came true aniwae...*sniff*

when the jackpot din show his face but wei lian's, i was stunned. how could it be. i was all looking ferward to buying his cd oreadi. tis cannot be happening. even my parents came out of the room saying how come jy is out. the farewell song he sang realli made my heart go out to him. so touching n sad. hate to see him go. wanted to see him fight it out wif kelly. was looking forward to the concert n i noe the battle betw the sexes, the guy will win. cos more supporters r females. so he could actualli win the ger easily. now let wei lian get the upper hand. haiz.

din use to think the voting system was lousy. not until now. 30% by judges 70% voting. u may sae i'm biased. i'll just sae i dun hate wei lian but junyang deserved to be crowned more. it's pure infuriating when he lost to the mercenary scoring system. wanna boycott the show man.

from his very ferst jiang nan performance, his voice has moved me n make me root fer him all these while. he's a strong n steady contestant. always improving. scored highest in most of the competition. 44.5. highest among ani other contestants. too bad his throat gave wae at the finals. couldn't hear the very best of him.

his fan club dressed in yellow. my fave color. he likes songs by Blue. just like me. he sang JJ's songs which made me liked his bossom friend even more. he alwiz sang the songs dat i like. he's too influential on me. the songs he sang will alwiz remind me of him...esp jie kou, his last stage performance....*sobz*

nevertheless, i haf faith in u. u'll be able to make it big. i believe u'll cut ur own full album very soon. not just one song. i'll definitely buy them. it'll hit the top of the charts. yesh.

too bad i not taking honours. otherwise can see u in sch. argh.

devastated. sore. terrible. will rem the disappointed look in his eyes. the wae he poured as he hugged his family. felt so sorrie fer him. wanted to see him perform more...realli a pity to see a potential superstar get eliminated...

he will make it. he can make it. he is the star.

ends at 2:59 PM

captivating smile Posted by Picasa

ends at 1:07 AM

mr sunshine Posted by Picasa

ends at 1:07 AM

Saturday, August 13, 2005Y

okie...put up a mtv on the welcome page....dunno if it werks...just trying out...tink it'll gets stuck in the middle...

ends at 12:26 AM

Thursday, August 11, 2005Y
visit to COH

todae i took off for this visit at Christian Outreach to the Handicapped (COH)....it was at some ulu place in the east...poof...cant imagine werking in the east....it catered to the intellectually disabled, autisic patients and other multiple disabilities....there were no kids...all fer adults...so i was expecting to see pple aged 16 to the elderly....i must admit i was feeling a bit queasy bout the trip... i hoped it wld not shun me off so much dat i decide to gif up....the place was pretty run-down...but it was really a peaceful home....early in the morning the pple would sing hymns...along with 3 other gers (my future collegues) we were there to observe the 2 autistic klasses....i was assigned to this higher functioning group in the morning n den switched to the lower functioning klass in the afternoon....

the morning klass had very interesting pple....when 2 of us reached there, we just stood aside while the teachers were ordering the patients to clean up the room....

Crystal, the ger wif the super high pitch voice, threw a tantrum....she cried when the pregnant teacher told her not to start her cross-stitch...for the whole morning, she was feeling all upset....

den was her ger fren Regina (the only 2 gers out of the 2 klasses) was all cheery n skipped into the room....did her wiping fast n efficiently....she kept smiling at us...

then there was this Gwen guy...deep voiced and abit plump...when he saw crystal throwing tantrums, he kept saying "crystal is so rude...crystal is so rude..." he kept on rantering for the whole morning....toking to himself...repeating phrases over n over again non-stop.....haa...."police....dun stop..."etc etc....kudos to him man....the teacher said he can b an actor oreadi....so drama...

den there was this Jim guy...poor ting....down with autistic and deaf...so the teachers had to use hand signs....he was asked to climb stairs the whole morning in order to make him slim down....poor ting....he had a whole cupboard of lego....all buildings nice designed by him....he could b an architect if only he was well....whenever he was upset, he would bang his head on the wall or cupboard....so hard u can hear the "thud" sound n could feel the whole room shaking....but his forehead was perfectly fine.....

suddenly i heard a humming voice....the whole morning....oh...came from this tanned guy...looking out at the window n humming....

there was a sprinter....he ran so fast during the physical exercise klass....and another guy hoo loves to read...both of them had blurred speech...so it wasnt ez making out wad dey said...den there was a late-comer to the klass....woah....shuai....he looks cute lor....like ani of the guys out on the streets....

the teachers made dem intro themselves to us.....she wrote on the board:

Today, we have two new friends. Serene and Hwee Chin.
Hello! I am (name). Welcome to COH.

dey were supposed to read the second sentence to us individually....here are some interesting intros....:

Gwen (the guy chanting nonstop)
"Hello~! I am name. Welcome to COH. What is your name?"
teacher: try again....name is ur name....gwen....
"Hello~! I am me. Welcome to COH. What is your name?"
mi n my fren told him our names....n when the teacher asked him fer our names....
"what say....what say..."
(the above two sentences were looped fer at least 3 times...)

when he said "i am me" i nearly wan to pengs...lol....

Shaun (the cute looking guy)
"Hello~! I am shaun and what is ur name? how r u feeling todae?"(he said...in a very robotic wae to my fren...so fast n fluent that i nearly missed wad he was saying...)
then he used exactly the same tone n sentence to me....as if he was a typical robot.....

some did well...perfect....like regina....the others i could hardly make out wad dey said...COH pronounced as a word on its own....

dey were then asked to go fer PE....then bathe...the teacher asked me to follow her to supervise the humming boi in bathing....i stood in the toilet til he's done...gulp...lunch was provided by the volunteers....poor jim even had smaller portions fer lunch tho he climbed stairs the whole morning le.....n den i followed the teacher to watch the humming boi brush his teeth after lunch....dey were good at cross stitch....each n everyone....some were learning how to count money....others were reading....one guy could play the keyboard...n only he was allowed to touch dat new keyboard...the rest had to use the old one....the teachers hoped dey could picked up some life skills....2 guys were even on 'attachment' in katong pri as librarians....

we switched to the other klass....n tis klass was airconditioned cos one guy cannot stand heat...if not he would inflict on himself....there was tis guy john....22 yrs old i was told...he onli could sae the word "no!"....the whole afternoon he was roaring "no! no! no!" at me n the teacher....luckily fer the teacher's 'magic wand' dat he quietened down fer a while before he starts again.....my ears still ringing wif the word "no!" even aft i got home....tis klass all the guys were quite huge....i was told one of dem when just transferred over had the habit of slapping others esp females....hmm...wonder where he learnt that from....mani of them could type....n dey love typing....there was tis guy....alwiz staring to his left....motionless....with his hands on the keyboard....fer so long....until the teacher could not stand it n here's wad she did...she put her palm infront of his face....n started counting down..."5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." n guess wad....Action! he automatically revert back to typing immediately....haa....quite fasinating huh....one guy helped to mop the floor....carry tables....doing all the odd jobs....the rest were doing some color matching n sequencing activities....another male teacher brot my fren n 2 other guys out to coffeeshop to buy drinks...so dat dey could practise using money....

throughout the dae....there were other encounters from pple in other klasses....
there was tis Ian in his 40s i tink...came up to me n my fren n intro himself so nicely...
"Hi my name is Ian. wad is ur name? what r ur hobbies?
oh...my hobby is collecting stamps....next time when u come, u pass me some stamps can? if u haf lar...."
and another man...who grabbed our hands n shoot our hands along the corridor...we were taken aback....

i must sae i learnt quite a lot about autism after the dae....apart from all the theoretical stuff dat i read from my textbooks n internet....each individual were realli unique....all had different kinds of behavior....the teachers there were great.....esp ruth....she realli taught me alot....it's amazing when u see the teachers there were all quite petite as compared the guys in klass.....big contrast...n dey managed to tame n train them....fantastic....tis will realli b a visit dat i will never ferget....will miss the klass....*sobz*

-hee...sorrie fer writing longer n longer posts....hope it din bore u peeps....-

ends at 11:56 PM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005Y
national dae

~hApPiE 40th BiRtHdAy SiNgApOrE~

ends at 11:44 PM

Saturday, August 06, 2005Y

been a super long week....sianz...summary of wad i did:


went nus to collect transcript...
den rushed to toa payoh fer a last min interview to realise dat there are so mani pple waiting there...i nid to wait arnd 10+ pple before it's my turn....argh....waited fer 1/2 hr n decided i shan't wait ani longer....nid to rush to the other interview...
took cab down to changi prison.....even the uncle din noe the wae there....luckily i brot along the map...it was realli some ulu place....so secluded...so serious....so lifeless....i had to sign in at the gate n i was greeted by tis not bad looking prison officer...so paiseh when i had to wait at the gate fer another lady to bring me in....when i entered the room...it was some lounge...more prison officers....at the interview were 3 officers...2 female 1 male....guess i din do my best at the interview....dey had tis sombre n serious faces dat made me felt so stress....the male officer was not bad looking too...haa...perhaps dat's y i din do well....see shuai ge i shy....
was finally offered a job at st andrew's autism centre as junior therapist...pay ok...werking hrs ok...place not realli ok (all the wae at east coast....pengz)...still considering...cos scared i cannot handle the patients...but there will b a visit next thurs to show us arnd...hope i wun b too taken aback....most probably gg to try fer tis tho....(cos i dun haf ani other offers!! *sobz*)

was supposed to go fer a promoter job fer ndp carnival....den realise there's a catch...so mi n tingting went shopping instead...haa....
was surprised when anthony from my job agency called...told me to start wer fer a temp job tmr...so rush lor...
"haf u found a job oreadi?"
"eh...i was offered a job..."
"as admin??"
"erm....autism therapist..."
"autism therapist"
-he burst into luffter...my ears nearly couldn't take it....so was my fone...-
"haa...rem to tell me where it is so i can go visit u..."
told tingting abt it n she said i alwiz haf lotsa cornie pple arnd me...haa...true...but tink anthony's a very cornie one...

started werk...long time din wake up so earlie in the morning le....*yawn*...it's a company at tuas...and i had to catch the company bus there....if i miss the bus...dat's it....can just skip werk le...it's so deep in dat my singtel operator changed to some malaysia operator....duhz....singtel better dun charge me fer auto roaming.....it was such a long dae at werk....introduced to so mani pple dat i hardly could rem their names.....i onli noe jimmy....the purchasing officer i'm werking under wif...told me so mani tings...but i cant rem....memory failing me....arghz
watched charlie n the choc factory with ct...not too bad...so drama n cornie...makes me crave fer choc!!!

poof.....another dae at werk....thrown wif more piles of werk and more tings to rem n more tings to recall....it was just yest n i fergot wad i had done....haa...pathetic...probably cos i did too mani tings yest....the most interesting ting at werk was probably when i had to call other companies regarding the company's 7th mth ceremony....n ask dem fer contributions...duhz....

shopping. (tho i was damn tired...no mood to buy aniting....)

looking ferwerd to next week....hee....national dae...got public holidae...no nid to werk....gg to take 2 other daes off fer the visit n medical checkup....yep!! dun haf to hear jimmy call my name again....haa....

ends at 11:02 PM