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Saturday, July 30, 2005Y


Woah!!! Jun Yang Rox...haa...been a faithful audience of tis superstar show...somehow i feel the guys perform better den the gers....out of all the gers...i'm onli drawn to Kelly....so pretty n has a nice vocal....air stewardess somemore...woo...

hee...must mention Jun Yang is oso from Arts!!! must pull strings...he's from econs i heard...seen him in sch b4...never took particular notice of him...until i saw him in superstar...he realli won me over wif his clear vocal....tink he sings much better den some of the 'professional' singers...realli hope he'll win...cos i wanna see him sing...haa...-not so much of his dancing tho-

lijun n william were frm nus as well...both were frm my group in nussu camp...RIOT!...haa...but bet dey dunno me...i'm too low profile...used to tink william was quite cute...haa....even danced the mass dance wif him...hiakz...too bad he got kicked out so fast....maabe he isnt quite popular...heard he's a bua**...not sure bout dat...hmm...(^.<)

was kinda shocked when kelly was voted out n even had to do the revival round....luckily she's in fer now....i tink her voice is the nicest out of the rest of the gers....silver is pretty....but dun tink she can sing as well as kelly....hee...n despite her lost of voice she still sang the best outta the rest...hmm...

pretty shocked when wei choong had to go....tho i still dun tink he's shuai...but he had the style of a star during his last performance...at least he sang much better den the 'bear bear'....haa....well...too bad...

bet u must be thinking dat i'm one of those who'll be sms-ing to root fer the contestants...but no k....tho i was quite tempted to vote for junyang...haa...but den again....i believe he will definitely get in w/o one vote...hee...i believe in his potential....

oh yar...haa...one ting i wanna point out....xu huan liang sure looks like squidward!!! muahahahaha....not trying to b mean....but the resemblance level is 90%!!! hahaha....

^tis is the song dat junyang sang last wed....^

ends at 4:43 PM

~*Squidward*~  Posted by Picasa

ends at 1:50 AM

Wednesday, July 27, 2005Y
mature or fickle

mature or fickle-minded?

i hated schubert. i hated debussy.

dat was then...their music alwiz sounded so horrible...wonder how dey managed to come up wif music like dat....yucks...could still rem i'll hide their bks when my music teacher came fer lessons...so dat she'll ferget i have those books and ask me to play other pieces instead...hee...

i guess dat was 5-6 yrs ago.....i've kinda lost touch of their music until lately when i was trying to go thru the songs dat i've played yrs ago...painstakingly....kinda fergotten all of them...sobz....tis time i felt an entirely different feel....not becos i played ani better...but i was more able to appreciate dem...it was different from the chopin mozart beethoven dat has been my long time favourites...i used to hate debussy's abstract form of art....making me so confused n blur aft the whole movement...sigh of relief man....schubert's was worse...the sound was awful...the chords used just refuse to blend nicely together.....

n while i was playing thru....it makes me wonder (hee..it's alwiz when i'm playing dat i reflect on life....) if dat was me being matured in my tinking or was i being plain fickle-minded.....i used to hate green....now i'm starting to add it into my collection of colors....i used to hate meat...now i'm a carnivore....and the list goes on....

if u asked me how much have i changed...i'll probably sae "it's the same old me".....but thinking back, i've changed quite a lot from hoo i used to b....but all these changes are taking so gradually dat i failed to notice dem all the while....y din i appreciate the tings arnd me back den? y din i tried to like dem? there r just too mani influences from the pple arnd us....the environment...the mindset beliefs values we haf just swayed along unknowingly....dat causes personalities to change as well....i dunno if dat's gd or bad...but there's no wae to stop changes from happening....

perhaps it is now dat i fully understand the meaning of cherishing wad u haf...cos once it's lost or changed....it's gone forever....time's not gonna turn back or wait fer us....n if chances come knocking at ur door...take a step back n think thoroughly if u wan to take the risk....(but tinking too much does make u do tings u regret as well...haa....) dun take too long tho...cos it mite affect the wae tings r....so u nid to b timely, accurate and lucky....lol....

i guess the difference betw being mature or fickle depends on how frequent u change...hmmm.....

i'm fickle-minded....

ends at 4:49 PM

Monday, July 18, 2005Y

mi suqi meimei chuyun wenqi Posted by Picasa

ends at 10:17 AM

Sunday, July 17, 2005Y
more grad pics

took more pics todae....tiring man....kept raining the whole dae....but luckily in the later afternoon it stopped n we got to enjoy a cooler weather....took more crappier fotos....wenqi n i contributed to the poses....haa....lame....gimme the lame card....*wobble wobble* so mani tourists there.....one china boi came into out pic when his parents pushed him in to take pics wif us...haa....another man came over n asked our gown is fer bachelor's....n he took mi n meimei's pics without asking....yep....he better dun put gong tau....haa...another korean man...i tink...kinda farnie...while we were taking pics....he squatted beside my fren hoo's taking my pic...huh...wad does he tink he's doing.....

meet up jj zy brandon n ken fer dnr..at breko holland v...it's been a yr since we meet up n tok....woah....still as crappy....still like telling cold jokes....haa....din tok much at dnr...mabbe cos of my throat....n tiredness....or mabbe cos i drifted awae from dem le....hmm....still enjoyed the company tho...too bad ps not there...if not the hr comm can reunite...haa....

ends at 11:48 PM

Saturday, July 16, 2005Y
jc frens

went out wif qy, wj n sarinah todae...after sooooo long....supposed to be one week ago n dat sarinah could actualli fergot about it....argh....i still confirmed wif the other 3 dat dey r free lor....those 3 bz gers....unlike me...haiz....luckily i even took the effort to send a 'reminder' msg....otherwise i guess mi qian n jia will haf to kip waiting fer sarinah at orchard ctrl station....haa...not the ferst time liao lor sarinah....

lunch at swenson's...i arrived late...n dat sarinah announced she getting married....i was a bit shocked...haa...she kept rattling on n finally i realised i was fooled...realli her forte at hoaxing others...made me rem the daes when mi n her kip bluffing the innocent yongmeng on our wae hm from aj....haa....

once we stepped out of swensons...i saw hanyong...as usual i'm the ferst to 'spot' our klass mates on streets...the last time was when i spotted xiangrong even tho we were sitting inside a cafe...haa...dey sae i'm good at scanning guys...got radar.....no lor pls....i onli got gd eyesight....like i said...i'm a visual person....(^.<)v

.....it's time i stop counting the days....not worth it....

ends at 9:34 PM

Thursday, July 14, 2005Y
graduation day

FiNaLe To My ScHoOl LiFe....CoMmEnCeMeNt DaY....

in a flash of the eyes, 3 yrs have passed...tho i dun haf much feelings fer nus....i do enjoy the times i spent wif all my frens...wasn't too excited bout it till i entered UCC...where the ceremony took place....when it was almost my turn to go up stage...i started to feel nervous....haa...dunno fer wad....damn farnie when the guy in front of me was cracking stoopid jokes bout how our mortar boards mite drop when we bow...n how we haf to go running after our cert holder when it rolled out of our hands....n hazel beside me kept saying wad if she fell onstage...haa...so mani wad ifs....the farniest part was when there was tis guy who helped us adjusted our hoods n dress n boards b4 we enter...dat hazel was giggling awae....made me feel like luffing too....

n well...luckily no one fell....no blunders....eh...mabbe apart from dat johnson johnson guy hoo happened to see himself on screen wif his mortarboard slanted...he innocently adjusted his board on screen....live...haa....

picture-taking was abt the most exciting part of the day....took so mani pics....the last time shld b on my 21st bdae...?? well....tried to look arnd fer frens to take pics wif....but atlas....i realised i dun had mani frens....so pathetic....so kept taking wif my family....my sis bot me a bear....haa....dat's a pleasant surprise....no flowers unlike yihui....*sulk* saw some groups of pple having fun taking comical shoots...fighting using their cert holders and put the hoods on their heads as if they were some warriors....others were throwing their mortar boards into the sky....envious....din had a chance to do dat....but realli glad chuyun n suqi came to meet us...*gandong*

went marina promenade fer more foto-taking....mum even suggested gg out another dae to take pics....but i guess the mood wun b there....dinner was at cafe cartel....we were full to the brim....

"pa, did u notice dat i'm slouching?" my bro asked.

"y do u slouch den?" my dad.

"cos i'm so full dat my tummy is weighing me down..."


hmm....well, the end of school life means the start of a new chapter in my life...i'm full of hopes fer tmr....i mean...tmrS....unlike wad u guys alwiz make me out to sound like....but mabbe fer these few daes....hiakz...most imptly nid to get job ferst...the others can wait....mum's been kinda pressurizing me wif "ur cousins earning 2 -3 k per mth...", "my fren's daughter werking where-where-where taking a high post" .....oh man....spare me dat....poof....i realli gotta buck up in my job search....but no one's been contacting me fer interviews....wad can i do....leave it to fate?? aniwae, looking back at all these yrs of studies...all to get tis one cert....i'm not too sure if it's all worth it....btw, the cert's chucked somewhere on my table...hee....but i guess the knowledge dat i've attained thruout these 15 yrs r definitely invaluable....n the times i spent wif all my frens....it's definitely gg to stay in my memories....

lastly, wanna thank my parents...haa...tis not lao tao k....but i'm sure every1 will feel tis wae....n all my frens fer being there fer me.....i love u all.....

(haa...din get a chance to speak on stage....only the ferst klass honours student gets to do dat....so here's mine....=P )

seventy-one days.

ends at 1:28 AM

Wednesday, July 13, 2005Y

my psych clique...*not sidekick k...pronounce properly....* From left: SuQi, Me, mEimEi, ChUyUn, WeNqI Posted by Picasa

ends at 9:55 AM

so cuddly!!! Posted by Picasa

ends at 9:39 AM

Sunday, July 10, 2005Y
grandma's bdae

went tampines to shop todae....so loaded wif pple....but din get to see aniting dat i like....sadz....

nice dnr at kia hiang restaurant....grandma's bdae so it's a treat from mi n sis....but the price was quite nice too....yep....nvm lar....money is sheng wai wu....everyone happie can le....haa...*as if i'm those da shou bi kind* wad's more....wed after my convo it's my treat again.....i dunno fer wad...but my mum saes i shld treat....duhz...but....i dun mind lar...suan le..."money is sheng wai wu"....pengz.... ~i'm unemployed man~ gonna go broke tis mth....after dnr went clarke quay fer a walk by the riverside...been yrs since i been there....din noe the nitelife is so happening there...haa...too bad i dun go chiong....but i guess it's a nice place to hang arnd....

drats...tmr is sunday again...arghz...

sixty-six days.

ends at 12:48 AM

Thursday, July 07, 2005Y
proposal for ymca

terribly tired~!!!! been rushing thru the nite for the proposal for the outing....argh...slept at 4am...it's been so long since i burnt the midnite oil....wait...b4 u guys say i procrastinate again....i did my searching fer inspiration on the ferst day.....research on the second dae.....typed out everyting nicely on the last dae....hee...just nice...within 3 days.....poof.....i sure like the adrenaline rush...haa...missed it....

hmm...let my dad vet thru le....hee...he said dat was good....hmm...realli put in effort man...but dunno if dat was wad mr tai wanted....hmm...i planned an outdoors event for the autistic children....well....did my research n hopefulli some parts can smoke thru....

yawn...felt so much like sleeping....but i wanna see sheralyn fer a few more hours.....*sobz*.....tmr's the last dae she is staying wif us.....she's not coming to my hse animore....will miss her lots~!!! she's just so cute n adorable.....kip hugging n *muacking* us...haa...got *muack* sound one okie....alrite alrite...i shan't sound so much like a paedophile.....bleah.....

sixty-four days.

ends at 12:40 PM

Wednesday, July 06, 2005Y

met meimei n chuyun for lunch....the postponed-long-time lunch....haa...supposed to meet fer meimei's bdae....which was a mth ago....

went to collect my academic dress for commencement today...so darn heavy....look pregnant my mum says...sad....there were pple asking me to do plaques....oh pls...it's not like i'm getting masters or phd....make plaque fer wad?? duhz....

rushed down to NTUC income for a job opening briefing....hmm...well..not my cup of tea...must take up 3 mths' course at nyp...with 2 yrs bond...which may not be the dept dat i wan to go into...mite end up doing customer service or call centres....nah....

mi n tingting went shop arnd at ps...wif our gowns....shoulder ache man....

fifty-seven days.

ends at 8:59 PM

Monday, July 04, 2005Y
ymca interview

went for an interview by ymca today...he arranged to meet at smu...cos dey having a booth to recruit volunteers from smu dat dae....scorched by the sun man....went the wrong wae n walked round the campus.....when i finally reached the place i called him.....he recognised me by my blue blouse.....oh my....i haven got the time to wipe off my perspiration.....argh...n i had to meet him in such a state.....lang bei man....

the interview was more like a casual talk...n man does he like to chat....was the longest interview i had....an hour....woah! but at least i din feel dat much of a pressure.....he requested all interviewees to come up wif a plan for an outing fer beneficiaries....n to sumit in 2-3 days time...hmm....must really try my best....luckily got a bit of experience from the volunteering dat i did 2 wks back + some sch organizing experience.....hope i can make it!!

sixty-one days.

ends at 6:34 PM

Friday, July 01, 2005Y
thye bdae

hee...yest was thye's bdae but met him todae cos yest wasnt free....so paiseh...make him change his date wif yong to todae....so long din meet up wif dem....well.....din meet up wif my other jc frens as well....haiz....ate at nydc n essential brew....was so full dat i cant eat dnr....poof...hee....catch up wif gossips, news, tv shows, etc....thye been playing games in his hostel all dae.....yong doing up his fyp...meantime become illegal immigrant soon....haa...cos he no room to stay liao....n trust dat thye to ask me rent a rm out.....haa....

fifty-eight days.

ends at 12:17 PM